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After a quick dive into Producer Dub’s violent dream, the Ugs discuss the perils of growing up as FOUR sisters with ONE bathroom and where “Uglee” comes from. Plus we chat about our love for cars and whether we give off the gay vibe or not. Enjoy the s…
March is National Cheeleading Safety month – and Disneyland will be reopening in a month – so we thought this episode from 5 years ago when Jamie was at Cheerleading Champs with her daughter (at Disneyland) would make for a great #TBT episode. Enjoy an…
Jamie shares her love for Batman and gives her take on the new version of the Justice League movie. Plus, we’re starting to see episodes of our trashy TV faves that were filmed at the beginning of the pandemic and Stephanie has some questions for her …
A throwback episode where the Ugs vent about time changes and share Irish facts seemed appropriate for this week. Here it is, from 5 years ago… enjoy and thanks for listening. New show drops Sunday. And don’t forget to support the show and deal with …
In this episode, the Ugs dish on the J-Lo and A-Rod news and take a deep dive into the Oprah interview with Harry and Meghan. Plus, Jamie gets physical with her dentist and Stephanie puts her stamp of approval on our newest sponsor, Lume Deodorant!
We’re testing out a new party game Jamie discovered called The Shame of Life plus we’ve got tons of takes on the celeb world including the Coming to America sequel, WandaVision, Below Deck and much more. And, of course, Uglee and Awkward Moments to sha…
The Ugs are back in action after a rough couple of weeks where they both had their father-in-law pass away. Paula gets the ball rolling with dental disasters, Jamie is facinated by polygamy and they both discuss the real “F” word. And, of course, Uglee…
A special mini-sode where Jamie is joined by her son Tyler who is also co-host of the podcast Middle Class Film Class. They talk movies, TV shows and more. Enjoy and watch for episode #513 of the Uglee Truth with Jamie and Paula dropping soon!
As a tease for the next NEW episode (dropping Sunday), we wanted to share a throwback show featuring Ug Sister #2, Stephanie. This one is from 5 years ago and is hilarious! So, whether this is a blast from the past or “new to you”… we hope you enjoy it!
Happy Pagan Holiday of Love HUgs! It’s a special episode as the Uglee Truth’s two little love birds (Jamie and Producer Dub) tell tales of past Valentine’s days, horribly bad hair decisions and more. Including another round of “Would You Rather?” prepa…